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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi motivasi Generation Y untuk berkarir di hospitality industry. Data yang terkumpul dari online survey yang dilakukan terhadap 119 alumni program Manajemen Perhotelan Universitas Kristen Petra diolah menggunakan teknik Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) dan didapati 9 faktor baru yang terbentuk yang mempengaruhi motivasi responden untuk memutuskan berkarir dan tidak berkarir di hospitality industry. Faktor Work – Life Balance memiliki kontribusi terbesar dalam mempengaruhi motivasi responden Generation Y untuk berkarir di hospitality industry sedangkan faktor Work Environment memiliki kontribusi terbesar bagi responden yang memutuskan tidak berkarir di hospitality industry.
This study aimed to analyze the factors that affect Generation Y to have a career in hospitality industry. Data were collected from an online survey to 119 respondents of the alumni Hotel Management Program Petra Christian University. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) technique was applied and found that there were 9 new form factors that influenced respondent’s career motivation in the hospitality industry. Work – Life Balance has the largest contribution that affecting Generation Y motivation to have a career in hospitality industry whereas working environment was the mos dominant factor that affected the respondents to no have a career in the hospitality industry.
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