The Effect of Learning Organization Culture and Learning Goal Orientation on Employees’ Intention to Share Knowledge in Furniture Companies in Indonesia

Steven Utama(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


As the furniture industry kept on growing in Indonesia, competitions increased and one of the keys to strive and thrive in the furniture industry is to increased number of knowledge sharing within employees. Ways to increase the practices of knowledge-sharing within employees are through Learning Organization Culture and Learning Goal Orientation. Therefore, the researcher was determined to understand the effect of Learning Organization Culture towards employees’ intention to share knowledge in furniture companies in Indonesia. This research will use the theory of the relationship of Learning Organization Culture and Learning Goal Orientation towards Knowledge Sharing Intention with Knowledge Sharing Attitude as the mediator in the case of furniture companies in Indonesia. This research focused on furniture companies in Indonesia and were done using quantitative approach. The researcher decided to use simple random sampling as the sampling design with online questionnaires as the method to obtain the data. Furthermore, 161 respondents have answered the questionnaire and the results have been analyzed using SmartPLS 4. As the result, it was found that only Learning Goal Orientation that is partly mediated with Knowledge Sharing Attitude in influencing Knowledge Sharing Intention


Keywords: knowledge sharing intention, learning organization culture, learning goal orientation, knowledge sharing attitude.


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