Jonathan Widyanto(1*), Hanjaya Siaputra(2),

(*) Corresponding Author




Industri di bidang restoran maupun cafe, sedang berkembang dengan pesat. Fenomena ini membuat perilaku konsumen dalam konsumsi produk dan jasa yang diberikan oleh restoran maupun cafe menarik untuk diteliti, terutama terkait dengan behavioral intention. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh atmosphere terhadap behavioral intention dan customer satisfaction pada konsumen Our Bar di Surabaya. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif serta judgmental sampling pada 100 responden menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat elemen-elemen Dinescape yang tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap customer satisfaction. Namun juga terdapat elemen-elemen Dinescape yang berpengaruh signnifikan terhadap customer satisfaction dan berpengaruh terhadap behavioral Intention konsumen.


Kata Kunci: Dinescape, customer satisfaction, behavioral intention




Food and beverage industry, is developing rapidly. This phenomenon makes consumer behavior on restaurant consumption is interesting to be researched, especially in relation with behavioral intention. This paper intents to analyze the relationship of atmosphere towards behavioral intention and customer satisfaction at Our Bar located in Surabaya. The research uses quantitative approach with judgmental sampling on 100 respondent using questionnaire. The results show that some element of atmosphere is not significantly related to customer satisfaction. But there is also atmosphere elements that significantly related to customer satisfaction, and affecting behavioral intention.


Keywords: Dinescape, customer satisfaction, behavioral intention

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