Redesain, Interior, Hotel, Bali, RegionalismeAbstract
Abstrak - Perkembangan teknologi yang pesat mengakibatkan inovasi pada bisnis khususnya di bidang industri kuliner. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pengaruh dimensi kualitas layanan self-service (functionality, enjoyment, security/privacy, design, assurance, convenience, dan customization) terhadap kepuasan konsumen di restoran Genki Sushi surabaya, dan untuk mengetahui variabel kualitas layanan self-service mana yang paling berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan konsumen. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif kausal. Hasil analisa regresi linear berganda menunjukkan bahwa dimensi kualitas layanan self-service memiliki pengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kepuasan konsumen di Genki Sushi Surabaya dan variabel functionality memiliki pengaruh dominan terhadap kepuasan konsumen.
Kata Kunci:
Kulitas layanan self-service, kepuasan konsumen, restoran.
Abstract - Rapid technological developments lead to innovation in business, especially in the culinary industry. The purpose of this research is to know how far the influence of service quality dimension of self service (functionality, enjoyment, security / privacy, design, assurance, convenience, and customization) to customer satisfaction in restaurant Genki Sushi surabaya, and to know the variable of service quality of self-service which is most influential on consumer satisfaction. Type of research used is quantitative causal. The result of multiple linear regression analysis shows that the quality dimension of self service has a significant influence on customer satisfaction in Genki Sushi Surabaya and variable functionality has dominant influence on customer satisfaction.
Quality of self-service, customer satisfaction, restaurant
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