Michelle Lawrence Oentoeng(1*), Birgita Elvina Tedjosoejanto(2),

(*) Corresponding Author


Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengukur kualitas layanan di hotel HARRIS-POP! Gubeng Surabaya ditinjau dari tingkat kepentingan dan tingkat kepuasan menurut responden. Teknik analisa data yang digunakan adalah Importance-Satisfaction Analysis (ISA) untuk mengetahui atribut kualitas layanan yang sudah baik, perlu diperbaiki, dan keputusan manajerial yang dapat diambil oleh pihak hotel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa responden menilai atribut keramahan karyawan dianggap penting oleh responden saat menginap di HARRIS dan responden sangat puas dengan kebersihan hotel, kesopanan karyawan, dan keramahan karyawan hotel HARRIS. Sementara itu, kebersihan kamar hotel yang sesuai dengan yang dijanjikan, dianggap penting oleh responden saat menginap di hotel POP! dan untuk atribut ini, responden telah merasa puas dengan atribut tersebut.

This research was conducted to measure service quality in HARRIS-POP! Hotel Gubeng Surabaya in terms of respondents’ importance level and satisfaction levels. The method of analysis data used was Importance-Satisfaction Analysis (ISA) to find out service quality attributes which were already proper, need improvement, and managerial decision will be taken by the hotel. The result of this research showed that respondents who stayed in HARRIS considered staff friendliness as an important attribute and respondents were very satisfied with cleanliness of the hotel, staff politeness, and friendliness of HARRIS Hotel staff. Meanwhile, hotel room cleanliness as promised was considered as important by the respondents who stayed in POP! hotel and the respondents were satisfied with this attribute.


Kualitas Layanan, Importance-Satisfaction Analysis (ISA), dan Hotel HARRIS-POP! Gubeng Surabaya.

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