Mobile, Study, Chinese, IOSAbstract
Abstrak: Kelompok wisatawan yang berbeda memiliki kebutuhan dan keinginan yang berbeda. Ketika kebutuhan dan keinginan tersebut terpenuhi, akan memberikan kepuasan konsumen, dan mendorong intensi wisatawan untuk datang kembali. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui atribut yang dinilai penting oleh wisatawan domestik dan wisatawan Cina dalam memilih hotel di Bali. Kuisoner diisi oleh 278 wisatawan domestik dan 287 wisatawan Cina. Data dianalisa dengan analisa statistik deskriptif dan analisis faktor. Atribut yang berkontribusi bagi wisatawan domestik adalah atribut makanan dan minuman, lokasi dan layanan hotel, fasilitas, kualitas layanan, kenyamanan dan value for money, harga makanan dan minuman, ukuran kamar, serta image hotel dan makan pagi. Atribut yang berkontribusi bagi wisatawan Cina adalah atribut fasilitas hotel dan kualitas makanan dan minuman, kamar dan kualitas layanan, lokasi dan fasilitas kamar, image dan kenyamanan, room service, serta harga makanan dan minuman.
Kata kunci: Atribut Hotel, Wisatawan Domestik, Wisatawan Cina, Pemilihan Hotel, Pariwisata Bali
Abstract: Different groups of tourists will have different needs and wants. If these needs and wants are fulfilled, customer will be satisfied and it will encourage their intentions to come back. The purpose of this study is to know the attributes that are considered important for domestic tourists and Chinese tourists in choosing hotels in Bali. Questionnaires were filled by 278 domestic tourists and 287 Chinese tourists. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis and factor analysis. The attributes that have contributions to domestic tourists are food and beverage, location and hotel’s service, facilities, quality of service, comfort and value for money, price of food and beverage, room size, lastly hotel’s image and breakfast. The attributes that have contributions to Chinese tourists are facilities and quality of food and beverage, room and quality of service, location and room’s facility, image and comfort, room service, and lastly price of food and beverage.
Keywords: Hotel Attributes, Domestic Tourist, Chinese Tourist, Choosing Hotel, Bali Tourism.
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