David Giovanni Sudarmadji(1*), Ricky Alexander Pristyo(2), Monika Kristanti(3),

(*) Corresponding Author


Abstrak - Tip sudah menjadi hal yang familiar, terutama di dunia perhotelan. Para tamu memberikan tip kepada staf ketika menginap di hotel sebagai tanda penghargaan atau bentuk terima kasih atas apa yang telah dikerjakan oleh staf tersebut. Oleh karena itu, peneliti ingin mengetahui persepsi staf terhadap tipping di “A” private resort and villa. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti mengambil informan sebanyak 10 orang staf, dimana terdiri dari 1 orang Executive Assistant Manager dan 9 orang butler. Metode pengambilan data yang digunakan adalah dengan melakukan wawancara, baik secara langsung maupun melalui telepon. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tip tidak mempengaruhi motivasi dan kinerja staf di “A” private resort and villa, Bali. Lalu, dari hasil penelitian adapula staf yang mengatakan bahwa tip dapat meningkatkan motivasi. Selain itu, tip juga dapat meningkatkan kinerja staf, tetapi lebih terfokus kepada pelayanan tamu. Disamping itu, peneliti juga menemukan persepsi tip dari para staf yang mengatakan bahwa para staf juga tidak menganggap tip itu penting, dikarenakan para staf sudah mendapatkan gaji dan service charge tiap bulannya. Selain itu, para staf butler terus menerus dilatih untuk bekerja secara service oriented, bukan secara tip oriented agar dapat terus memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik kepada tamu.
Kata Kunci:
Tip, motivasi, kinerja, butler, front office, service, resort, villa
Abstrak - Tip has become a familiar thing, especially in Food and Beverage industry. Guests give tip to a staff when they are staying at hotel as an appreciation or a gratitude for everything that the staff has done. Furthermore, researchers aimed to investigate how front office staff perception of tipping is, at “A” private resort and villa, Bali. This research involved 10 participants as the sample, which are consist of 1 person as Executive Assistant Manager and 9 person as butler. This research is using interview as the method. Thus, the result of this research indicated that tip didn’t have any impact to either staff’s motivation or work performance at “A” private and resort, Bali. Then, from the results, there were also found that tip could increase staff motivation. Moreover, tip also could affect on staff performance, but it’s more focused on guest service Besides that, researchers also found about staff tip perception that staff didn’t consider tip was very important, since staff had earned a monthly salary and service charge. Furthermore, butler staff had been continuously trained to not to work in tip-oriented, but in a service-oriented manner, in order to provide the best service to guests all the time.
Tip, motivation, work performance, butler, front office, service, resort, villa

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