Website Publikasi dan Evaluasi kegiatan Lembaga Kemahasiswaan Universitas Kristen Petra


  • Yefta Bintang Kurniawan Program Studi Teknik Informatika
  • Adi Wibowo Program Studi Teknik Informatika
  • Lily Puspa Dewi Program Studi Teknik Informatika


Persepsi Konsumen, Restoran dan Tip.


Currently, publication  for events held by committees of Student Organizations at Petra Christian University still uses  conventional media, such as printed posters posted on announcement boards. This causes most of the students unable to see the posters since only some of them are willing to see the posters posted. Another issue is the paper usage for most of the events evaluation process of Student Organizations with relatively numerous questions which makes the students reluctant to answer.  All this time, the evaluation results for the events are not published by the committees. Therefore, only few of the students know the results for each event. If most of the students know the results, this will help Student Organizations’ events be more well prepared.Therefore, the writter made a website based information system to answer the problem.

This website has features, such as event publications; event reports; and event evaluations by providing rating, comments, and brief questions for each event. Also, the website is supported with delivering credit points to BAKA server using SOAP, saving videos on Youtube for the events,  saving the events’ photos, showing the highest rating to encourage the committees in making better events, using add location by Google Map, and notifications using phpmailer.

From the research and questionnaires which consist of some criterias filled by student organization’s members, the results received are 63% of the respondents give moderate score for the interface design, 100% of the respondents give excellent score for the utility 100% of the respondents give excellent score for website usage; 100% of the respondents give excellent score for the feature completeness; and 100% of the respondents give excellent score for the overall aspects. Thus, it can be concluded that this website is useful, complete, and helpful for student organization’s publications and events.


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