
  • Celine Kristalia Thendean
  • Meliana Meliana


six siqma, DMAIC, fishbone diagram



Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa pengaruh persepsi praktik hijau Starbucks Coffee terhadap intensi berperilaku ekologis pelanggan. Sampel pa­da penelitian ini adalah 224 responden yang memahami tentang green practice. Metode penelitiannya adalah kuantitatif, dengan teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis PLS (Partial Least Square). Hasil pene­li­tian menunjukkan bahwa variabel perception of green practice dan perception of ecological image memberikan pengaruh signifikan terhadap ecological behavioral intention. Demikian juga perception of green practice memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap perception of ecological image.


Kata Kunci:

              Perception of green practice, perception of ecological image, dan ecological behavioral intention, Starbucks




The purpose of this research is to analyze perceptions of green practice of Starbucks Coffee towards customer behavioral intention. The sample of this research was conducted in 224 respondents who understands about green practice. The method of this analysis is quantitative, and the analysis used is PLS (Partial Least Square) analysis, The results showed that  perception of green practice had a significant influence towards ecological behavioral intention. Also perception of green practice had significant influence towards perception of ecological image.



              Perception of green practice, perception of ecological image, dan ecological behavioral intention, Starbucks


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