Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisa harapan calon konsumen dan persepsi manajemen terhadap harapan konsumen terkait kualitas layanan yang dilihat dari lima dimensi (reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, dan tangibles) di Hotel Crown Prince Surabaya Serta untuk melihat gap antara harapan manajemen dan persepsi calon konsumen terhadap kualitas layanan. Teknik analisa yang dilakukan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya gap positif pada dimensi fisik (tangibles) dan keamanan (assurance) antara harapan calon konsumen dan persepsi manajemen Hotel Crown Prince Surabaya terhadap harapan konsumen pada dua dimensi tersebut berbeda dari persepsi manajemen terhadap harapan konsumen terkait lima dimensi kualitas layanan di Hotel Crown Prince Surabaya.
This research was conducted to analyze the expectation of prospective consumer and management perception toward consumer expectation related to service quality seen from five dimensions (reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangibles) at Hotel Crown Prince Surabaya And to see the gap between management expectation and kind of prospective consumer About the quality of service. The analysis technique is descriptive qualitative. The result of the research shows that there is a positive difference in physical dimension and management perception of Crown Prince Surabaya Hotel about consumer expectation on two dimensions it is different from the perception of management towards consumer expectation related to five dimension of service quality at Crown Prince Hotel Surabaya.
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