
  • Amelia Tjahyono
  • Cindy Victoria Christanto


Intellectual Capital Disclosure, firm profitability, firm reputation, firm size, financial leverage


Komitmen Organisasional merupakan suatu konstruk psikologis yang merupakan karakteristik hubungan anggota organisasi dengan organisasinya danmemiliki implikasi terhadap keputusan individu untuk melanjutkan keanggotaannya dalam berorganisasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh Perceived Organizational Support terhadap ketiga komitmen organisasional yaitu afektif, normatif, dan berkelanjutan karyawan Hotel “X” di Nusa Dua. Penelitian ini menemukan adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara Perceived Organizational Support dengan komitmen afektif dan komitmen normatif, serta hubungan yang tidak signifikan antara Perceived Organizational Support dan komitmen berkelanjutan.


Organizational Commitment is a psychological construct which define the characteristic relationship between employees and the orgnization that has implication to individual’s decision to stay within the organization. This study examines the impact of Perceived Organizational Support on different dimension of organizatinal commitment among hotel employees’ at “X” Hotel in Nusa Dua. This reseach found that there is a significance relationship between Perceived Organizational Supportand affective commitment as well as normative commitment, and an insignificant relationship between Perceived Organizational Support and continuance commitment.


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