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Abstrak - Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui sikap dan persepsi mahasiswa terhadap karir di industri perhotelan. Sikap dan persepsi pada penelitian ini tediri dari delapan konstruk, yaitu karakteristik pekerjaan, status sosial, kesesuaian industri dengan kepribadian, kondisi fisik lingkungan pekerjaan, gaji/manfaat, peluang promosi, rekan kerja dan manajer, komitmen terhadap industri. Teknik analisa yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan melihat nilai rata-rata untuk menemukan kecenderungan sikap dan persepsi mahasiswa terhadap karir di industri perhotelan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa seluruh konstruk cenderung menggambarkan sikap dan persepsi mahasiswa terhadap karir di industri perhotelan.
Kata kunci : Sikap, Persepsi, Mahasiswa, Karir, Industri Perhotelan
Abstract - This research was conducted to understand students’ attitudes and perceptions toward career in the hospitality industry. There are 8 constructs of students’ attitude and perceptions toward career in hospitality industry, nature of work, social status, industry-person congeniality, physical working condition, pay/benefit, promotion opportunities, coworkers and managers, commitment to the industry.The analysis technique used descrptive method referring to mean in order to describe the students’ attitudes and perceptions toward career in hospitality industry, which the result of research showed all of the constructs tend to describe students’ attitudes and perceptions toward career in hospitality industry.
Keyword: Attitudes, perceptions, student, career, hospitality industry
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