Steven Limantara(1*), Wygo Artha(2), Deborah Christine Widjaja(3),

(*) Corresponding Author


Transformational Leadership memiliki peranan penting dalam menciptakan Workplace Spirituality dan menghasilkan Employee Engagement. Dalam penelitian ini melibatkan 85 responden karyawan tetap, dan menggunakan teknik analisa Smart-PLS. penelitian ini dilakukan di sebuah hotel bintang 4 di Surabaya. Hasil penelitian ini juga membuktikkan bahwa Workplace Spirituality berlaku sebagai variabel intervening yang memperkuat Transformational Leadership ke Employee Engagement
Kata Kunci: Transformational Leadership, Workplace Spirituality, Employee Engagement
Transformational Leadership has an important role in creating Spirituality Workplace and producing Employee Engagement. In this study involved 85 respondents were permanent employees, and used Smart-PLS analysis techniques. This study was done in a 4 stars hotel in Surabaya. The results of this study also prove that Spirituality Workplace applies as an intervening variable that strengthens Transformational Leadership to Employee Engagement
Keyword: Transformational Leadership, Workplace Spirituality, Employee Engagement

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