Bianca Evangeline(1*), Devi Permata Candra(2), Regina Jokom(3),

(*) Corresponding Author


Airy Rooms merupakan bisnis dibidang akomodasi yang sangat berkembang di Indonesia.
Dalam 3 tahun sejak berdirinya Airy Rooms, akomodasi yang telah diakuisisi hingga saat
ini telah mencapai lebih dari 5000 properti di 33 provinsi di Indonesia. Tujuan dari
penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara faktor penentu (sikap, norma
subjektif, keunggulan ekonomis, persepsi risiko, keunikan dan keragaman akomodasi)
dengan niat beli masyarakat Indonesia untuk memesan melalui Airy Rooms.
Pengumpulan data survei dilakukan kepada 389 responden masyarakat Indonesia
menggunakan teknik analisa SEM-PLS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa niat beli
secara positif dan signifikan dipengaruhi oleh keunikan dan keragaman akomodasi, sikap,
keunggulan ekonomis, dan persepsi risiko. Norma subjektif ditemukan secara positif
namun tidak signifikan memengaruhi niat beli seseorang dalam memesan akomodasi
melalui Airy Rooms.
Kata Kunci: Niat beli, sikap, norma subjektif, keunggulan ekonomis, persepsi risiko,
keunikan dan keragaman akomodasi, Airy Rooms.
Airy Rooms is a business accommodation which developed in Indonesia. In 3 years since
Airy Rooms was created, over 5000 properties in 33 provinces in Indonesia have been
owned under Airy Rooms brand. The purpose of this research is identifying the
correlation between determinant factors (such as; attitude, subjective norm, economic
benefit, perceived risk, unique accommodation and variety) and purchase intention to
book accommodation though Airy Rooms. The survey was conducted on 389 respondents
representing as Indonesian. The data was obtained and processed using technical analysis
of SEM – PLS. Results of this research showed that the intention to book Airy Rooms is
positively and significantly dependent on unique accommodation and variety, attitudes,
economic benefit, and perceived risk. However, Subjective norm was found positively
yet not significant in affecting Indonesian’ intention to book accommodation through
Airy Rooms.
Keywords: Purchase intentions, attitude, subjective norm, economic benefit, perceived
risks, unique accommodation and variety, Airy Rooms.

Full Text:



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