PLANT-BASED NEW FOOD PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT: From Conception to Implementation of “Banana Blossom Jerky”

Tiffany Aileen(1*), Gareth Currie(2),

(*) Corresponding Author


Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukuhkan, meneliti, dan mengevaluasi
pengembangan “Banana Blossom Jerky” melalui model New Product Development
(NPD). Penelitian sekunder mengenai target pasar lebih dahulu dilakukan untuk
membantu pengembangan dan konseptualisasi produk. Penelitian utama dilakukan
dengan metode kombinasi dan dianalisis dengan triangulasi data. Tujuh Milenial dari
berbagai kota di Indonesia dan dua ahli NPD dipilih sebagai sampel oleh penulis
melalui purposive sampling. Konsep makanan plant-based ini diterima oleh generasi
Millenial Indonesia yang terbukti tertarik pada makanan sehat.
Kata Kunci: Jantung Pisang, Makanan Plant-based, Milenial, New Product
Abstract: This research aimed to justify, research, and evaluate the development of
“Banana Blossom Jerky” through New Product Development (NPD) model.
Secondary research pertains target market was first conducted to assist the
development and conceptualization of the product. The primary research was
conducted through mixed method and analyzed with data triangulation. Seven
Millennials from different cities in Indonesia and two experts in NPD were chosen as
the samples by the author through purposive sampling. The concept of this plant-based
food is found to be filling the market gap for Indonesian Millennials that proven to be
interested in healthy foods.
Keywords: Banana Blossom, Plant-based Food, Millennials, New Product

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