The Effect of Live Streaming on Impulsive Buying with Consumer Trust as an Intervening Variable in Purchasing Skincare Products "Somethinc"
QMS, ISO 9001, 2015, Internal audit, ISO 19011, 2011Abstract
Lifestyle changes have increased awareness of skin health and beauty, and the demand for cosmetics includingskincare products is increasing. The relationship between live streaming and impulse buying is that livestreamers can create the illusion of scarcity, while the relationship between live streaming and consumer trust isthat live streaming is considered interesting because if the live streaming broadcast has finished, it can beplayed back. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of live streaming content on impulsive buyingwith consumer trust as an intervening variable for skincare products “somethinc”. Quantitative descriptiveresearch using the Structural Equation Model (SEM) method with Smart PLS (Partial Least Square) software withdata from 141 selected respondents. The results showed that live streaming content has no significant effect onimpulsive buying of “somethinc” skincare products, consumer trust has a significant effect on impulsive buyingof “somethinc” skincare products, and consumer trust is able to mediate the effect of live streaming content onimpulsive buying of “somethinc” skincare products. Suggestions to companies can maintain and continue toincrease consumer trust by maintaining product quality, providing the best service, sharing testimonials orreviews from customers who are satisfied with the products offered. And can be used in further research.References
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