Design of Social Campaign to Apprehend and Overcome Loneliness
(1) UK Petra
(2) UK Petra
(3) UK Petra
(*) Corresponding Author
Loneliness is a social phenomenon for every single person in any societies, without age or financial border. If someone were in this state for a long time without any help, he will likely to do something self-destructive, even death. Loneliness is a painful warning signal that a person's social relations are deficient in some important way, just like what happened towards early adult citizens in Surabaya. This will likely to affect the future of young generation. Unfortunately, only few people understand how to apprehend and overcome this condition. While partnering with, this social campaign is meant to raise society’s awareness and educate them on how to overcome it. The medias used in this campaign are adjusted to the targets, which are something they face every day, such as websites, videos and social medias.
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