Interior Galeri Kebaya Indonesia di Surabaya

Cheung Vivi Chandra(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


Interior Design Indonesian Gallery of  Kebaya in Surabaya , it’s purpose  is to facilitate the public. The gallery where there is a museum that promotes the historical value of kebaya from time to time. It also provides public area likes, restaurant / café, to enhance the comfort of visitors. This gallery itself was designed theme with the concept called “Complexity” which is describe the difficulty and the beauty of  kebaya and re-live in this modern era. Spiral has been modified more simple become circle form., and apllied in layout, furniture, even elements in interior.



Design, Interior, Gallery, Kebaya

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Achjadi, Judi. Pakaian Wanita Indonesia. Jakarta : Djambatan, (1986) 3.

Pentasari, Ria. Chic In Kebaya. Jakarta: Erlangga, (2007) 21.

Mahmood, Dati Seri Endon. The Nyonya Kebaya. Singapore : Periplus, (2004) 51.


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