Perancangan Interior Pusat Terapi Anak Autis Dan Indigo berdasar Pendekatan Psikologi Interior di Surabaya

Anastasia Vera Wijayanto(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


Autism and indigo is one of unusual phenomena that happening to some childs. In the case of interior design with special needs-like autism and indigo children-, we need a spesific design that fulfill needs, efficient in doing therapy and self-development. Basicly from that reasons, the functions of interior design not only for fulfill functions and aesthetics, but also cares about society’s problems, especially for special needs user’s.

            This design based on approach of interior psychology and psychological effects to the child’s psychologic. Facilities include theraphy facility, academics facility, counceling facility, canteen, and extraculiculair facility. Design concepts based on the needs of  child’s development and for optimize the process of therapy, counceling, and academics for autism and indigo childs.


Autism, Indigo, Interior Psychology

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