The Influence of Celebrity Endorsement in Social Media on Purchase Decision Through Perceived Value and Customer Attitude as Intervening Variabel in Souvenir Product in Surabaya

Brilliant Santoso(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


This study examined whether celebrity endorsement influence purchase decision through perceived value and customer attitude. This study used quantitative causal research method. The number of respondents was 210 participants with purposive sampling technique. Testing technique of data used validity and reliability testing. Also, the technique of data analysis consisted of descriptive and multivariate statistic technique. The results of this study showed that celebrities who have appeal and interest by consumers can affect the level of consumer involvement in deciding the gift products, celebrity endorsement also affects consumer attitudes and consumer perceived value’s proportional to the sacrifice issued. Through the perceived value and customer attitude, they can also assist consumers in deciding the product by the souvenir. Consumer attitudes also depend on the value and quality of the products obtained.


Keywords: Celebrity Endorsement, Perceived Value, Customer Attitude, Social Media

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