Regine Lie(1*), Regina Jokom(2),

(*) Corresponding Author


Abstrak – Industri pariwisata bertumbuh pesat seiring berjalannya waktu. Dengan adanya eWOM menjadi sebuah media bagi para konsumen untuk dapat membayangkan mengenai kualitas dan layanan pada hotel melalui komentar pada online travel agent. Survei terhadap 150 responden dilakukan dan data primer yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode SEM-PLS. Hasil penelitian juga menggambarkan bahwa online review yang terdapat pada Online Travel Agent mempengaruhi minat reservasi hotel bintang 4 dan atau bintang 5 manakah yang akan dipesan. Secara keseluruhan, hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa online review berpengaruh positif dan signifikan pada konsumen dalam mempengaruhi minat beli hotel bintang 4 dan atau bintang 5 yang akan dipesan.  

Kata kunci: Electronic Word Of Mouth; Citra Merek; Minat Reservasi; Online Review; Minat   Pembelian; Masyarakat Indonesia; Hotel bintang 4; Hotel bintang 5


Abstract - Tourism industry has been notably growing throughout the years. With eWOM as the mediator, consumers could imagine service and quality of a hotel from the review that online travel agent provided. A survey of 150 respondents was conducted and the primary data collected were analyzed using the PLS method. Findings shows that Online Travel Agent users will read the review and it will affect their reservation intention. The results also illustrate that online reviews contained in Online Travel Agent help consumers to influence their purchase intention. Overall, the results of this study indicate that online reviews have a positive and significant impact on consumers in deciding which four or five star hotel they are willing to book.

Keywords: Electronic Word Of Mouth; Brand Image; Reservation Intention; Online Review; Reservation Intention; Indonesia Community; Five Star Hotel; Four Star Hotel

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