Aplikasi Tes Kepribadian Online Berbasis Website pada Pusat Konseling dan Pengembangan Pribadi Universitas Kristen Petra


  • Kevin Kevin Program Studi Informatika
  • Justinus Andjarwirawan Program Studi Informatika
  • Andreas Handojo Program Studi Informatika


Pernikahan, Singkawang, Energy, Ken Yeang


The need for an introduction to one's own personality is needed, especially to know who you are and can help companies find out who will be recruited as employees. Today, there are several sites that offer to be able to work on personality tests directly. However, the results of the tests that have been done can only be seen for one time only, so the test data that has been obtained cannot be stored for documentation purposes.
To help users know their personality correctly and intact, a personality test application is created that can display test results that are in accordance with the user's personality and can save the results. Through this application, users can know who they are and the company can easily get to know the user's personality correctly. Existing tests include Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Temperament Test, A / B Personality Type Test which has different test results or information. So that users and companies need to choose which tests are suitable for their needs.
The test results show that this personality test is able to answer the user's needs for correct and complete personality recognition. In addition, the results of the tests that have been taken and worked on can be saved either by the user or by the company with different formats according to the needs. So that both users and companies can save these results to be documented in various formats according to their needs.


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