Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penentuan Jumlah Barang Kanvas berdasarkan Peramalan Penjualan Berbasis Android pada CV. X
Dolly, Anak-Anak, Audio VisualAbstract
Information technology based on android useful in the business world, one of which forecasting sales. In forecasting a sale requires the right decision. Such mature and exact decisions can be obtained by forecasting with decision support systems using information technology android based. Sales forecasting is a solution to make product sales more effective. But if the forecasting is done manually, it only takes up time and effort.
Applications developed using android base with the help of PHP, so users of the application can be easy in forecasting for product sales. In the application to perform sales data forecasting calculation using two methods, namely, a combination of Linear Trend method with Seasonal Adjustment method and Triple Exponential Smoothing method.
The results of this android-based application development are able to forecast sales in the coming year which can display the number of units based on selected products, cities, weeks and months, in addition the results of both methods are also measured using the MAPE method. This application can provide more accurate forecasting results than forecasting manually. The MAPE method is used to measure the accuracy of a forecasting method.References
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