Pembuatan Aplikasi Delivery Order dengan Menggunakan HTML5 Berbasis Mobile


  • Greffika Exstrilia Program Studi Teknik Informatika
  • Justinus Andjarwirawan Program Studi Teknik Informatika
  • Lily Puspa Dewi Program Studi Teknik Informatika


penelitian, budidaya, edukasi, terumbu karang, Tanjung, pantai, Sustainable Architecture


In the midst of increasing activities and public’s time-consuming, people prefer to buy food directly to the food stalls which are desired and when the people do not have time to wash clothes and others, they prefer to take the clothes to the laundry place. But, the problem is people are too busy and having limited time to go to buy food and taking clothes to the laundry place. From the existing problem above, food stalls and laundry places invent a solution by providing delivery order service. The delivery order service is effective and efficient. It can send ordered food and take-dropping laundry to the customer. Most food stalls and

laundry places that use already the delivery order service use the systems that are via phone calls and

sending short messages. If there is a case, such as, when customers don’t know the phone number is and don’t know what the menu is available then surely they will have to go out of the house and looking for a place to eat and confirm the menu directly.

By using the internet applications in the gadget which installed on the Android operating system, Short Message Service can be accessed more practically and very easy to use as well as other benefits that can save time and costs. Delivery order application is using an information system with mobile-based device that is designed with HTML5 and assisted by compilation by PhoneGap, which provides the process of ordering food which can show the food stalls menu and laundry places on the scope of a particular area, which will be powered by Google Maps which aims to make it easier to track the position of food stalls and laundry places and to optimize the delivery order for food and laundry. The process of delivering food and laundry is done manually by couriers who are in duties.

Thus, the customers who use this system will more easily do the delivering process and can save energy and costs.



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