Deteksi Plagiarisme pada Kode Bahasa Pemrograman Java menggunakan XGBoost

Tomy Widjaja(1*), Andre Gunawan(2), Liliana Liliana(3),

(2) Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Universitas Kristen Petra Surabaya
(3) Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Universitas Kristen Petra Surabaya
(*) Corresponding Author


With the ease of access to information and cloud server technology, it makes it easier for anyone to access the code data. Coupled with the industry 4.0 era, the number of informatics students is also increasing rapidly. This makes code plagiarism easier to do, especially in academic environment Manual checking of plagiarism is repetitive, difficult, and time-consuming task. Therefore, automation for high quality source code plagiarism detection is needed. The dataset used in this research was collected from “Dasar Pemrograman” class at Petra Christian University. After that the code will continue to tokenization preprocessing using java grammar stage. Then, the algorithm will calculate pairwise features using 3 main algorithms, namely levenshtein distance, greedy string tiling, and bigram which will produce 12 features and a collection of statistic features. Finally, the features will be used for the training and inference process on the XGBoost model. The test result shows that the proposed features have better performance metrics than previous research, it has f1-score of 99%. Implementation of preprocessing can also improve performance metrics on the features proposed in this study and in previous research.


code plagiarism detection; text processing; pairwise features; XGBoost; Levenshtein Distance; greedy string tiling

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