Aplikasi Sistem Pengontrolan Turtle Tub Untuk Pemeliharaan Kura-Kura Red Belly Nelsoni Dengan Arduino
workload, work environment, work satisfaction, turnover intentionAbstract
Having turtles, especially Red Belly Nelsoni turtle is very common, but usually the owner don’t really know how to properly taking care of their turtles, according to the parameters needed in turtle maintenance. The problem that the author wants to solve is by utilizing Blynk application and Internet of Things tools that has a function to control, monitor and maintain all parameters that needed in turtle maintenance, so that the owner of the turtle can more easily taking care of the turtle in the turtle tub. The test was carried out by giving 2 turtle tubs containing Red Belly Nelsoni turtles to 2 volunteers who carried out the turtle care and maintenance in different ways. From the result of the test carried out, the application has been able to help the volunteers in taking care of the turtles according to the parameter aspects that needed in turtle maintenance.References
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