Form Evaluasi Online Mata Kuliah Pra Skripsi Dan Skripsi Berbasis Android


  • Stephen Cornelius Hertanto Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Universitas Kristen Petra Surabaya
  • Silvia Rostianingsih Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Universitas Kristen Petra Surabaya
  • Liliana Liliana Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Universitas Kristen Petra Surabaya


Salary, performance appraisal, human resource development, request


In order to support the vision of "Green Campus" implemented by Petra Christian University Surabaya as well as to accommodate the evaluation interests of courses in the new curriculum, namely pre-thesis and thesis. At the evaluation stage of the course, it involves many parties, so to digitize all documents and facilitate coordination, an application is needed to assist the entry process and produce the required reports. So far, the evaluation process that has occurred is quite long and takes a lot of time, namely when evaluating the Pre-Thesis to Thesis. As well as seeing the increasing number of Petra students every year, the coordinating lecturers and supervisors on Pre Thesis and Thesis will be more and more difficult in handling the evaluation. Therefore, this thesis creates an "Online Evaluation Form for Pre-thesis and Thesis courses based on Android" which is an application on an Android-based smartphone that aims to facilitate the coordination of lecturers and supervisors in evaluating these courses. By making this application, it will be easier for the lecturers to fill in the scores and evaluation of the Pre-thesis and Thesis reports without taking much time, and the data created can be more accurate and faster. So that the delivery of grades to students becomes shorter.


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