Push Notification Pada Sistem Penjualan Tiket Workshop dan Event Menggunakan Firebase Cloud Messaging Berbasis Progressive Web Application

Nirwan Jaya Suwarno(1*), Justinus Andjarwirawan(2), Agustinus Noertjahyana(3),

(1) Program Studi Informatika
(2) Program Studi Informatika
(3) Program Studi Informatika
(*) Corresponding Author


The use of website technology in the ticket sales system is the right
step to improve the company's business processes. The use of the
website can have a great impact on the buyers and sellers of tickets,
namely with the existence of a website information will be easily
accessible. However, after successfully carrying out the process of
buying and selling tickets through the website, the seller needs quite
a lot of time or has not been effective in communicating with the
buyers. This problem occurs because buyers use various
communication, so the sellers need to use sundry applications to
reach all buyers.
This ineffective way of communicating can be solved by embedding
a feature on the website, namely push notifications. Seller can use
push notifications to send broadcast messages to their buyers
without missing anything. All buyers can be reached easily because
push notifications are embedded directly in the application so that
buyers do not need to install other applications to communicate
with sellers.
The results showed that the ticket sales system with push
notifications succeeded in increasing the effectiveness decrease the
time of using the application to send messages by 38.4% compared
to using external applications.


push notification; Firebase cloud messaging; ticket sales; Progressive web application

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