Sistem Monitoring Penggunaan Air di Apartemen/Mal MultiTenant dengan NodeMCU dan Raspberry Pi


  • Albert Ong Program Studi Informatika
  • Andreas Handojo Program Studi Informatika
  • Resmana Lim Program Studi Teknik Elektro


Adaptif, Berpenghasilan Rendah, Hunian, Joyoboyo, Kawasan Kumuh, Pencahayaan Alami, Produktif, Rumah Susun


As survey results conducted, it was found that it was difficult to
monitor water consumption and to manage water consumption.
Water consumption become very unregulated and the survey
conducted found that respondents agreed with the existence of a
web-based water consumption monitoring and management
system. In this study, a trial will be conducted to help solve this
problem by modernizing water meters or implementing Internet
of Things technology on each water meter. Then for payment
system will be using a token system. The implementation of IoT in
water meters is in terms of measuring water consumption and
limiting the water consumption. The results of the system found
that the system was capable of monitoring water consumption,
limiting water consumption, and increase water consumption
limit using token.


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