Pemanfaatan Simplex Noise Untuk Menghasilkan Map Yang Natural dengan Unity Engine


  • Calvin Vionaldy Tjiandra Program Studi Informatika
  • Rudy Adipranata Program Studi Informatika
  • Lily Puspa Dewi Program Studi Informatika


Kepuasan Experiential Marketing, Minat Beli Ulang, Gyu Kaku Galaxy Mall


In the development of game, terrain is the first thing that the
player see in the game. Landscape, assets on terrain, and the
height kurvator on the terrain will give an environment that can
enhance the experience in playing. But the process of making such
terrain will take a long time because of the terrain setting which
developers do. Moreover, if the developer needs to create many
terrain with a similar parameter. not just that, because the
similarity from the terrain, the terrain itself will become
repetitive. To avoid that, it is better to use the Procedural Content
Generator or PCG to create a base terrain with every project.
Simplex noise is one of many PCG method to generate a terrain
height map to be developed by developer. Terrain that had been
generated can be explore by the player , and to diminish the
chance of slump because of the repetitive play, the surface will be
different each time the method generate.
This paper will be focus on the implementation of simplex noise to
generate a base terran for a 3D game with the usage of C# from
unity. simplex noise will generate 3 biomes which are the forest,
savanna, mountain. Perlin noise will be implemented as well for
the purpose of comparison method, perlin noise will generate the
same biome as simplex noise. This program will see the result of
the surface generated by both methods.
This paper will test some terrain models by how the result of
simplex generated terrain and perlin generated terrain can make
a variety for terrain. Terrain will change each time the method is
running in the program. In the result of the paper, it is found that
perlin have an advantage to generate that have a low to middle
height terrain and simplex have the advantage to generate a
terrain that have a middle to high height.


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Menciptakan Permudaan Dataran pada Pembuatan Game.





