Evaluasi Beban Kerja Teknisi Mesin, Teknisi MTP dan Admin Departemen Injection Molding Pada PT X

Rexy Anderson Isach(1*),

(1) Industrial Engineering Department, Petra Christian University, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


PT X is a multinational company that produces brands, both locally and globally.  PT X produces face powder, lipstick, eye shadow and facial wash packages.  The company has a human resource problem, which is an imbalance of workers performance.  The imbalance that occurs in the injection molding department is caused by some workers who seem to have less workloads than other workers and less efficient activities carried out.  The purpose of this study is to evaluate the workload of machine technicians, MTP technicians and administrators by using DILO method.  The DILO method is carried out in 3 stages which are value added analysis, time composition and individual workload analysis.  The normal individual workloads is around 77.25% - 83.8%.  After calculating the workloads, it is found that 8 out of 12 machine technicians, 2 MTP technicians and 2 admins still have workloads that are not within normal range. A machine technician and 2 admins have workloads above normal range and only 3 machine technicians have workloads within normal range. Eleven suggestions are made, and if they are implemented, it will reduce the percentage of non value added and value added activities around 0.14% to 10.95%.


workload; time composition; value added; and DILO

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