Perancangan Standard Operating Procedure untuk Preventive Maintenance di Departemen Engineering : Studi Kasus

Christoforus Adhiatma Wibowo(1*), Togar Wiliater Soaloon Panjaitan(2),

(1) Jurusan Teknik Industri Universitas Kristen Petra
(2) Jurusan Teknik Industri Universitas Kristen Petra
(*) Corresponding Author


Java Paragon Hotel and Residences is a hotel and apartment which located at Sura-baya. This project focused on designing of SOP and check sheet for preventive maintenance pro-gram. Background of this problem is the occurrence of multitasking and large number of staff that haven’t been trained well, so it needs a standard in doing preventive maintenance. Multi-tasking and the new employees occurred because of high turnover of ME Engineering. This pro-ject uses direct observation in the field and Q&A against the staff of Engineering Department. The results of the observations then organized into a SOP in the form of tables and is divided into 4 major activities, which are Checking, Cleaning, Lubrication, and Troubleshooting. Based on the existing SOP then it leads check sheet as a monitoring tools. Monitoring performed with purpose overseeing the implementation of preventive maintenance and the alignment with the existing SOP.


standard operating procedure, check sheet, preventive maintenance

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