Peningkatan Aktivitas Value Added Support Function dengan Metode Sampling Kerja di PT. Schneider Electric Manufacturing Batam

Rinaldi Edo Saputro(1*), Tanti Octavia(2),

(*) Corresponding Author


Currently, support function units of PT.SEMB cannot reach their target of performances.
Therefore, in this research PT SEMB attempts to evaluate the causes of it. Work sampling
method is applied for three of support function units. The result shows the proportion of
the team leader’s, line inspector’s, and line trainer’s value added are 75.04%, 78.16%, and
84.19%, respectively. The highest proportion of non value added activities is movement. It occurs
since PT.SEMB doesn’t have a working guidance. The proposed improvements are designing a
checklist, job rotation procedure, and the guidance for reviewing a job description. The implementation
result shows the proportion of the value added for team leader and line inspector are
85.88% and 84.98%


Support Function, Value Added Activity, and Work Sampling.

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