Perancangan Ulang Tata Letak Gudang Bahan Kemas PT Surya Dermato Medica

Patrick Yoel Prasetio(1*), Kriswanto Widiawan(2),

(*) Corresponding Author


The inefficient storage layout of packaging materials at PT. Surya Dermato
Medica's warehouse has significantly hindered operational efficiency by prolonging the time required for personnel to locate items. This research proposes a redesigned warehouse layout aimed at simplifying and minimizing the search process. The approach using findings from ABC analysis and utilizes a Class-based storage method to categorize items based on their usage frequency. Additionally, the design incorporates measures to minimize FIFO errors, ensuring that the First In, First Out system is upheld effectively by warehouse personnel. By implementing this method, the research aims to optimize warehouse operations, reduce material retrieval times, and ultimately enhance overall productivity. This strategic approach not only addresses current inefficiencies but also sets a foundation for streamlined operations and improved warehouse management practices at PT. Surya Dermato Medica.


packaging material; warehouse; layout design; ABC analysis

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