Implementasi Work Load Analysis pada Jabatan Administrasi di Retail PT. X

Edwin Setiawan(1*), Herry Christian Palit(2),

(1) Industrial Engineering Department, Petra Christian University
(2) Industrial Engineering Department, Petra Christian University
(*) Corresponding Author


PT. X is a gas industry in which the company wants to know the work load ratio of each of the administrative positions in administrative positions in it’s retails for the purpose of manpower efficiency. PT. X did not have data related to work load of several positions. Therefore, this research aims to calculate the work load for several positions in several retailers in East Java. The research was conducted in two retails and in five positions. The data collecting technique is done by using work sampling method. Data processing is carried out using the Work load Analysis method. The results showed that there were four positions categorized as underload. Analysis was done at two position which had the smallest work load. It is found that the root problems are small workplace and bad workflow. The proposed improvements are centralizing of filling station and improving workflow.


work load; work sampling; work load analysis.

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