Penurunan Hambatan Proses Produksi pada Area Press Mesin AB di PT. X

Calista Tjandra(1*),

(1) Industrial Engineering Department, Petra Christian University
(*) Corresponding Author


PT. X is a company engaged in the ceramic floor tiles in Surabaya-Gresik. The problem experienced by the company is the existence of obstacles in the production process around press area (AB machine). The objective of this research is to find out the root causes of the problem downtime on AB machines and proposed improvements that can be done to overcome those problems. Analysis is done using tools such pareto chart and fishbone diagrams. Data collection was carried out for a total of 37 days (888 hours) obtained form the form of production process barriers. The company has eight AB machines, but the highest is AB7 machine with a total time of 232.4 hours and a percentage of 26.17%. Barriers to the production can be grouped into categories. Proposed improvements that can be made to deal with the problem are making preparations before the production process, adding inspection job description to operator and Karu/Kashift, conducting briefing and socialization before the production process, cleaning schedule and adding cleaning equipment, and adding dusting machines. All suggestions are expected to reduce the AB engine termination due to production process bottlenecks.


downtime; maintenance; pareto chart; fishbone diagram

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