Promotion Media Design for Clover Interior Company in Surabaya

Andy Raharja(1*), Obed Bima Wicandara(2), Asthararianty Asthararianty(3),

(1) Universitas Kristen Petra
(2) Universitas Kristen Petra
(3) Universitas Kristen Petra
(*) Corresponding Author


The emergence of many companies engaged in interior design due to the rapid growth of the property business where business developers or property owners want the concept of space is exclusive and unique. It becomes a tremendous opportunity for an interior design company to increase its revenue and marketshare. One of the companies in this field one of which is the company Clover interior design and construction.

            In conducting its business in the field of interior design company Clover had only relied on word of mouth promotion through so that the results are not quite optimal. To increase the number of customers and revenue in order to compete with other companies, the company needs to have a media campaign as a support in conducting promotional activities, so it was designed concept of a media campaign that fit the profile and information to be provided by the company to potential customers and loyal consumers use The company's services.


Corporate Interior Design, Media Campaign, Concept Design, Modern Minimalist

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