Perancangan Produk Interior Perpustakaan Anak Gereja Kristen Indonesia Merisi Indah di Surabaya

Paul John Kalampung(1*), Andereas Pandu Setiawan(2), Grace Setiati Kattu(3),

(*) Corresponding Author


The Merisi Indah Indonesian Christian Church (GKI) Building was built and inaugurated in July 2019 is used for Sunday school children. This Sunday school building contains the need of rooms and furnishings such as libraries and playgrounds with enough books and toys which may server the children well while they are waiting for their parents. The important thing of this project is that the requirements per room are specific and the types of use of furniture are mainly built to support the Sunday School Studies. All items in the commission building should not be pinned, nailed and suggested that the weight of the furniture is not excessive. Based on the background above, it will be designed in the form of making bookshelves, toy shelves, and banner and chalkboard holders. In this design, multiplex, Dutch teak, iron and hollow steel are chosen. The product has the "X" symbol which is a characteristic of the Church, which means cross, which means it refers to Christ. With this design, it is expected that the needs of Sunday school children's activities can be met.


Pine Wood, Multiplex, Hollow Iron, Sunday School Children, Commission Building Product, X

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