Implementasi Konsep Kasih Pada Interior Rumah Kreatif Mawari

Natalia Natalia(1*), Laksmi Kusuma Wardani(2), Lucky Basuki(3),

(*) Corresponding Author


Education is an important factor in improving human resources. The lack of educational facilities for underprivileged children is one of the problems that always arise in big cities, especially in Surabaya. The Mawari Shelter Community is a form of social service for the GKI Pregolan church in Surabaya which provides free educational facilities for underprivileged children. For this reason, the purpose of the Mawari Creative Home Interior Design in Surabaya is for education, a place for social interaction, and a place to facilitate creative activities that can improve the economy in the community. This design uses the Design Thinking method, consisting of 6 stages, Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, Test, Implement, and Materialize. The application concept of "Love", applying Christian values into space with a Green touch and the concept of open space that leads directly to the garden to understand God as the light and center of the world. Besides, cheerful ambiance and dynamic in accordance with the character of children also want to be presented. Thus, the existence of this design can provides a positive influence for children, also as a place for talents and interests, which is children can comfortably use the facilities of Creative Houses.


Rumah Singgah Mawari Community, Educational Facilities, Interior, Creative, and Love

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