Mebel Multifungsi Portable untuk Makeup Artist


  • Onny Julian Wibowo


The world of makeup is increasingly in demand by various circles ranging from teenagers to adults, women and men. Work as a makeup artist is also growing rapidly. More and more people who work as a makeup artist is also offset by the increasing number of users of their services. In general, the profession as a makeup artist requires high flexibility and mobility. They are required to work on time and move a lot for both domestically and abroad. In addition, the equipment that they bring is expensive and requires special treatment and care. This condition requires makeup artists to have a work field that can fulfill and facilitate their work. The design of this portable multifunctional furniture is expected to meet all the needs and support the makeup activities. The design concept of "Multi-flexibility in Simplicity" focuses on the fulfillment of furniture function value for flexibility packaged in a simple form. Designed furniture will be easy to carry and meet all the needs of the work of makeup artists.

Author Biography

Onny Julian Wibowo

Program Studi Desain Interior, Universitas Kristen Petra
Jl. Siwalankerto 121-131, Surabaya


[1] Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia Online. Vers 1. KBBI : 3.April.2014.

[2] Kilmer, Rosemary & Otie.(1992). “Designing Interiors”. New Jersey: John Wiley and sons, inc.

[3] Macam-macam Jenis dan Peralatan Makeup: 17 November 2016

[4] Makeup Artist : 16 Juni 2017

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[5] Meja Rias: 20 Maret 2017


[6] Zeisel, John. (1981). “Inquiry by Design: Tools for Environment-Behaviour Research”. United Kingdom: Cambridge University.


