Kajian Behavioral Setting pada Interior Café di Surabaya
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Reza. Wawancara. 21 Febuari. 2017, Anter Cabin Coffee, Pk. 20.46 WIB.
Kevin. Wawancara. 25 Maret. 2017, Anter Cabin Coffee, Pk. 15.32 WIB.
Margaretha. Wawancara. 25 Maret. 2017, Anter Cabin Coffee, Pk. 15.32 WIB.
Andrew. Wawancara. 3 Feb. 2017, Titik Koma Coffee, Pk. 12.01 WIB.
Firman. Wawancara. 21 Feb. 2017, Calibre Coffee Roasters, Pk. 16.21 WIB.
Natalia. Wawancara. 3 Feb. 2017, Titik Koma Coffee, Pk. 12.01 WIB.
Clara leonita. Wawancara. 31 Maret. 2017, Titik Koma Coffee, Pk. 12.35 WIB.
Josiah Philpbert. Wawancara. 23 Maret. 2017, Calibre Coffee Roasters, Pk. 19.34 WIB.
Marvin. Wawancara. 18 Maret. 2017, Calibre Coffee Roasters, Pk. 19.10 WIB.
William Octo. Wawancara. 18 Maret. 2017, Calibre Coffee Roasters, Pk. 19.10 WIB.
Siong, Chen. Wawancara. 21 Feb. 2017, Konig Coffee and Bar, Pk. 15.14 WIB.
Agnes Tania. Wawancara. 12 April. 2017, Konig Coffee and Bar, Pk. 19.50 WIB.
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