Perancangan Mebel Lipat untuk Booth pada Bazar dan Temporary Market

Samuel Kaweono(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


Bazar and temporary market is an event that currently booming in Surabaya. This event is used by tenants to introduce their new brands or products. Usualy this event is held for about 3 days and lately it is held more frequently, so tenants need furniture which are easy to carry and moved. Seeing this problem, appeared an idea about a set of furniture whose size is able to be reduced so that it will be easy to move. Not only that, the furniture should also be able to meet the needs of a tenant who has not been fulfilled yet. Thus, the idea of a practical furniture can certainly help or ease the burden on the tenants when they do loading dock and also meet the needs of tenants when the event bazaar and the temporary market held.
In this design process, used Bryan Lawson’s methods, starting from the first stage of insight to the verification stage. After the initial stages have taken place, came to the conceptual stage. Folding furniture with moveable concept has chosen into a solution for the problem analysis. The moveable concept applied to the folding furniture set that consists display racks, tables, and chairs, which are easy to carry and moved. The furniture set is not only easy to moved when they do loading dock, but also when they carry its to the events’ place. In addition, these folding furniture sets also provide more facilities for tenants, such as the existence of a poster and brochure’s place, as well as storage for storing personal items belonging to the tenant. With the advantages given to this folding furniture, it will provide some benefits for the tenant, such as cost-effective, time saving, as well as the practicality of a furniture that is easy open and fold without the use of additional tools.


Furniture, Fold, Booth, and Bazar

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