Perancangan Interior Gedung Pernikahan dengan Konsep Budaya Tionghoa

Alvin Theodore(1*), martino dwi nugroho(2), Diana Thamrin(3),

(*) Corresponding Author


Interior design wedding venue with Chinese culture
concept is a masterpiece of design that is designed as an
alternative for Chinese people to be married with the maximum
Chinese culture. In this scheme, there is a blessing room provided
in the area of design, so that the bride and groom canto be more
practical to get married. The differences in this wedding hall with
the other is in its value - the value of Chinese wedding philosophy
in it. Thus the room becomes more meaningful and brings
blessings for the bride.
The design is in accordance with the era development, which is
now often applying modern style. Therefore, the application of
form and character of the room will tend to modern but did not
leave the hallmark of the character of Chinese culture wedding
procession in it. Such as lotus, phoenix and dragon, numbers that
represents luck for Chinese people, also the Chinese wedding
process itself are being implemented into the design elements.
This design will focus on the value / meaning of each space and
indirectly to the cultural conservation of Chinese wedding to
meet the needs of people who wants to get married under the
Chinese culture.


Chinese, Interior Design, Philosophy, Wedding

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