Perancangan Interior Modular pada Residential Space Tipe Studio

Pricillia Eka Cristi(1*), Yusita Kusumarini(2), filipus priyo suprobo(3),

(*) Corresponding Author


Modular Interior for Studio Residential Space is a design project of Simple Residential Space which only has one room inside (beside the bathroom). This design will be a solution for a Simple Residential Space which only has a room by maximizing that one room for multi function and activity and giving privacy to the user. The Facility expected as the product is a modular furniture which is a combination of bedroom, dining room, living room, family space, and also the kitchen. By a precise placement of function and a smart design, this furniture will comfort the owner with such an affordable price to own.


Modular, Residential Space, Studio

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tanggal akses 8/7/2014

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