Kajian Estetika Thomas Aquinas Pada Interior Kayu Aga House di Canggu Bali

Jessica Rosadi(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


Studies Aesthetics of Thomas Aquinas At Interior Kayu Aga House in Canggu Bali is a study that discusses the application of aesthetic theory of Thomas Aquinas. In residences Aga Wood House whose composition is unique building. Along the development, homes must also have a good composition so that residents can enjoy the beauty and comfort, because the houses were palaces for its inhabitants, and a place to rest after a day of activities. From the research that has been done, Kayu Aga House residence has a good aesthetic fit with the theory of Thomas Aquinas who said that beauty has three elements, namely the composition, proportion, and brightness (bright colors).


Aesthetics, Thomas Aquinas, Interior, Kayu Aga House, Canggu - Bali.

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