Perancangan Interior Restoran Dengan Pendekatan Ekologis Di Surabaya

Felix T.(1*), Adi Santosa(2), Herlin Sri Utami(3),

(*) Corresponding Author


Surabaya City has a good prospect in the culinary sector  such as, opening a restaurant business, looking at the people who make the food as a culinary tour. This consuming lifestyle has become a trend proofed by the surabaya’s busy culinary business both day and night. From this perspective then, the restaurant can be used as a media to inform to the public about the ecological design.

In the city of Surabaya is seldom to find a restaurant that take Ecological Design in their concept. In support of sustainable design, that the restaurant need have to the applicate the ecological design. Apart from being a place to eat, as well as providing information to the community and the effect on the environment, especially natural lighting.


Design, Restaurant, Approach, Ecological

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