Gaya Desain pada Elemen Pembentuk Ruang dan Elemen Transisi Interior Gereja Santo Antonius Purbayan Surakarta

Devi Yosin Tjia(1*), Andereas Pandu Setiawan(2),

(*) Corresponding Author


Santo Antonius  Purbayan  church  is  the oldest
church  building  in  Surakarta.  This  heritage building of  Dutch
Colonial  period  was built  in 1916  and  still standing  to this day,
and  did not experience  much  changes  in the  architecture  and
interior  aspects.  The building is  a historical evidence of an event
that  has  the value of  architectural  and  interior.  The  styles
combination  of  space  forming  elements  and  transition  elements
in  the  interior  is  very variative, that are  Art  &  Craft,  Art
Nouveau,  Art  Deco,  Nieuwe  Bouwen,  and  also to  the European
Classical  style  such as  the  church  building at  the first in Europe
that  are  Early Christian  style,  Romanesque  and  Gothic.  The
combination  of  various  styles  could not be separated  from
aspects of  function  and  meaning  of  a  church  and  has been
adapted to the local climate and conditions.


Design style, space-forming elements, transition elements, interior, Santo Anotnius Purbayan church

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