Pengaruh Penerapan CSR Terhadap Brand Loyalty Melalui Brand Image dan Customer Satisfaction Pada Produk Komestika
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh penerapan CSR perusahaan kosmetika terhadap brand image, pengaruh brand image terhadap customer satisfaction dan brand loyalty, serta mengidentifikasikan pengaruh customer satisfaction terhadap brand loyalty pada produk kosmetik merek The Body Shop, L’occitane, dan Marks&Spencer di Surabaya. Total sebanyak 100 kuesioner disebarkan pada pelanggan kosmetik wanita yang berumur antara 17-40 tahun. Survei dilakukan di komplek perkantoran, perumahan, pusat perbelanjaan/ mall, dan universitas-universitas di Surabaya. Hubungan antar variabel di uji menggunakan Structural Equation Model (SEM). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara penerapan CSR dengan brand image, brand image dengan customer satisfaction dan brand loyalty, serta customer satisfaction dan brand loyalty.
Kata Kunci: CSR, Brand Image, Customer Satisfaction, Brand Loyalty
The purpose of this research is to identify the influence of CSR implementation on cosmetics brand image, the influence of brand image on customer satisfaction and brand loyalty, and identify the influence of customer satisfaction on brand loyalty at The Body Shop, L'occitane, and Marks & Spencer cosmetic products in Surabaya. A total of 100 questionnaires were distributed to female cosmetic consumers aged between 17-40. The survey was distributed at Surabaya city at office complex, residential, malls, and universities. The proposed relationships have been tested using structural equation modelling (SEM) with smartPLS. The research results showed that there is positive and significant relationship between the implementation of CSR with brand image, brand image with customer satisfaction and brand loyalty, customer satisfaction and brand loyalty.
Keywords: CSR Implementation, Brand Image, Customer Satisfaction, Brand Loyalty.
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