Pengaruh Kepemilikan Manajerial, Kompensasi Bonus Terhadap Manajemen Laba Saat Sebelum dan Sesudah Kebijakan “PSBB” Diberlakukan Pada Sektor Industri Transportasi dan Logistik

William Kwestianus(1*), Alby Tandinata(2), Yulius Christiawan(3),

(1) UK Petra
(*) Corresponding Author


Agency theory is the employment relationship between the agent and the principal. Differences in
interests cause agency problems where the decisions taken by the agent are not in line with the principal. The
principal tendency to make profit as an indicator of company performance is the main reason why earnings
management practices occur. The existence of the "PSBB" policy affects the company's profit. Managerial
ownership, bonus compensation can affect the magnitude of earnings management practices. Based on this
theory, this study aims to prove the effect of managerial ownership, bonus compensation on earnings
management before and after the "PSBB" policy was implemented. The study was conducted on 15 companies
in the transportation and logistics industry sector on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the 2018-2021.
This research uses multiple linear regression technique of panel data. The results of the study prove that the
smaller the managerial ownership and the greater the bonus compensation received by the management, the
higher the earnings management practice. Furthermore, it is proven that the existence of the "PSBB" policy
further strengthens the negative influence of managerial ownership and strengthens the positive effect of bonus
compensation on earnings management practices.


managerial ownership, bonus compensation, earnings management, “PSBB” policy, agency theory.

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