Kata Kita: Journal of Language, Literature, and Teaching
Kata Kita (e-ISSN 2598-7801) is a nationally accredited journal published thrice a year (March, September, and December) by the English Department, Faculty of Humanities and Creative Industries, Petra Christian University, Indonesia. It presents articles on the study of language, literature, and teaching. Its objective is to provide a forum for students to publish their academic works. Appropriate subjects include, but not limited to, analysis, studies, application of theories, research or project reports. An attempt is made to maintain a balanced coverage of language, literature, and teaching issues as long as the topic is academically sound.
Century: Journal of Chinese Language, Literature and Culture
Century: Journal of Chinese Language, Literature and CultureJurnal ini merupakan jurnal elektronik (online) berbahasa Indonesia untuk mempublikasikan karya tulis dan/atau hasil penelitian tentang bahasa Mandarin, pendidikan bahasa Mandarin, sastra Tiongkok, budaya Tiongkok dan budaya Tionghoa Indonesia.Century: Journal of Chinese Language, Literature and Culture diprakarsai dan dikelola oleh Program Studi Bahasa Mandarin, Universitas Kristen Petra, Surabaya, Indonesia dan diterbitkan oleh Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Kristen Petra, Indonesia sejak 2013 lalu. Kini telah memiliki e-ISSN : 2657-098X, dan terakreditasi Nasional peringkat 6 dengan No. Surat Keterangan : 164/E/KPT/2021 (mulai Volume 7 Nomor 2 Tahun 2019 sampai Volume 12 Nomor 1 Tahun 2024).Terbit dua kali setahun (bi-annually) dalam versi online setiap bulan Februari dan Agustus. -
Advances in Civil Engineering and Sustainable Architecture
Advances in Civil Engineering and Sustainable Architecture (ACESA) (ISSN: 2716-0890) is an open access international journal dedicated to present the discourses on the built environment from multiple perspectives in various design-related disciplines: civil engineering, architecture, spatial design, and other relevant fields. The idea of ACESA emphasises the sustainability aspects that push the sensitivity of civil engineers and architects, which might be manifested through the users’ inhabitation, through the materiality of objects and built environment. The journal is committed to exploring the concept of building design, structure, and construction research as either primary or secondary subjects. This can be dissected through theoretical discussions or empirical studies, addressing both the tangible and intangible elements of the built environment.
The journal is published biannually, in March and September, by Petra Christian University in Surabaya, INDONESIA. ACESA welcomes a broad spectrum of contributions, include original research articles, case and technical reports, and review articles, all contributing to the global dialogue on sustainable practices within Civil Engineering and Architecture. -
Jurnal DKV Adiwarna
Jurnal Dimensi Pratama Teknik Sipil
eDimensi Arsitektur Petra
eDimensi Arsitektur Petra adalah jurnal mahasiswa Program Studi Teknik Arsitektur -
iBuss Management
iBuss Management is a student journal of International Business Management program of Petra Christian University -
Jurnal Strategi Pemasaran
Jurnal Manajemen Pemasaran adalah jurnal mahasiswa Program Studi Manajemen Pemasaran -
Jurnal e-Komunikasi
Jurnal e-Komunikasi adalah jurnal versi online yang ditulis oleh mahasiswa dalam rangka mempublikasikan karya skripsinya. Ruang lingkup topik kajian adalah komunikasi massa, komunikasi korporat, human communication, dan komunikasi new media.